Monday (1 invited talk, 11 regular talks, posters)
Session 1: Invited talk
Invited talk: David Chaum
Monday 10:00-10:20 Coffee
Session 2: Fair allocation
Dynamic proportional sharing: A game-theoretic approach
Comparing approximate relaxations of envy-freeness
Democratic fair allocation of indivisible goods
Monday 11:20-11:40 Coffee
Session 3: Manipulation and control
Fall if it lifts your teammate: a novel type of candidate manipulation
Very hard electoral control problems
High-multiplicity election problems
Monday 12:40-14:10 Lunch
Session 4: Empirical analysis
The assignment problem with diversity constraints with an application to ethnic integration in public housing
An axiomatic and empirical analysis of mechanisms for online organ matching
The communication burden of single transferable vote, in practice
Big city vs. the great outdoors: voter distribution and how it affects gerrymandering
Efficient crowdsourcing via proxy voting
Monday 15:50 - Coffee and poster session


Tuesday (1 invited talk, 14 regular talks, business meeting, banquet)
Session 6: Invited talk
Invited talk: Ashish Goel
Tuesday 10:00-10:20 Coffee
Session 7: Matching
Tradeoffs between information and ordinal approximation for bipartite matching
Robust and approximately stable marriages under partial information
Random paths to popularity In two-sided matching
Tuesday 11:20-11:40 Coffee
Session 8: Graph-theoretic approaches
Robust bounds on choosing from large tournaments
Complexity of verification in incomplete argumentation frameworks
Multi-issue opinion diffusion under constraints
Tuesday 12:40-14:10 Lunch
Session 9: Multiwinner elections
Optimization-based voting rule design: the closer to utopia the better
A quantitative analysis of multi-winner rules
Proportionality and strategyproofness in multiwinner elections
Multiwinner elections with diversity constraints
Tuesday 15:30-16:00 Coffee
Session 10: Cooperative games
Simplified group activity selection
Statistically stable communities with limited interactions
Trading transforms of non-weighted simple games and integer weights of weighted simple games
How to form winning coalitions in mixed human-computer settings
Tuesday 17:20-17:40 Coffee
Tuesday 17:40-18:40 Business meeting
Tuesday 19:00- Banquet


Wednesday (1 invited talk, rump session, 9 regular talks)
Session 11: Invited talk
Invited talk: Glen Weyl
Wednesday 10:00-10:30 Coffee
Session 12: Axiomatic analysis
Positional social decision schemes: fair and afficient portioning
Aggregating incomplete judgments: axiomatisations for scoring rules
Voting with ties: strong impossibilities via SAT solving
Social choice with non quasi-linear utilities
Wednesday 11:50-13:20 Lunch
Wednesday 13:20-14:20 Rump session
Wednesday 14:20-14:50 Coffee
Session 13: Further topics
Heuristic voting as ordinal dominance strategies
Personalised rating
Negotiation strategies for agents with ordinal preferences
Social mechanisms for the collective engineering of ontologies
The museum of social choice