COMSOC-2016 Program

The COMSOC-2016 program consists of three invited talks, 34 oral presentations and 21 poster presentations of contributed papers, which have been selected amongst 70 submissions received by the program committee.

Each invited talk is 60 minutes long. Contributed talks have been allocated 20 minutes each, including questions and change-over to the next speaker. Accepted papers with poster presentation will be shown during all three days of the workshop. There are two dedicated poster sessions of one hour each, and an additional open poster session on Friday.

Jump to: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Posters

Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:20 Welcome
9:30 Marc Fleurbaey (Invited) 9:30 Éva Tardos (Invited) 9:30 Utku Ünver (Invited)
10:30 Coffee Break 10:30 Coffee Break 10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Session 1 11:00 Session 5 11:00 Open poster session
12:00 Short Break 12:00 Short Break 12:00 Short Break
12:10 Session 2 12:10 Session 6 12:10 Session 9
13:10 Lunch 13:10 Lunch 13:10 Lunch
14:30 Session 3 14:30 Session 7 14:30 Session 10
15:35 Afternoon Snack 15:30 Afternoon Snack 15:30 Afternoon Snack
16:00 Poster Session 16:00 Poster Session 16:00 Session 11
17:00 Session 4 17:00 Session 8 17:00 Closing
18:20 End 18:00 Business meeting
20:30 Banquet

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

 9:20-9:30  Welcome   (Registration: from 9:00 onwards)
 9:30-10:30  Invited Talk  
 10:30-11:00  Coffee Break
 11:00-12:00  Session 1: Multiwinner voting
  • Computing Pareto Optimal Committees
    Haris Aziz, Jerome Lang and Jerome Monnot
  • Axiomatic Characterization of Committee Scoring Rules
    Piotr Skowron, Piotr Faliszewski and Arkadii Slinko
  • Committee Scoring Rules
    Piotr Faliszewski, Piotr Skowron, Arkadii Slinko and Nimrod Talmon
 12:00-12:10  Short Break
 12:10-13:10  Session 2: Strategy-proofness and Fairness
  • Fairness in voting: the tale of Blotto's lieutenants
    Alessandra Casella, Jean-Francois Laslier and Antonin Macé
  • The Single-Peaked Domain Revisited: A Simple Global Characterization
    Clemens Puppe
  • Condorcet Domains and Median Graphs
    Clemens Puppe and Arkadii Slinko
 13:10-14:30  Lunch
 14:30-15:30  Session 3: Preference structures
  • Structure in Dichotomous Preferences
    Edith Elkind and Martin Lackner
  • The one-dimensional Euclidean preferences: Finitely many forbidden substructures are not enough
    Jiehua Chen, Kirk Pruhs and Gerhard J. Woeginger
  • Recognising Multidimensional Euclidean Preferences
    Dominik Peters
 15:30-15:35 Presentation of the Handbook of Computational Social Choice (Felix Brandt)
 15:35-16:00  Afternoon Snack
 16:00-17:00  Poster session
 17:00-18:20   Session 4: Complexity of voting and manipulation
  • Cycles and Intractability in Social Choice Theory
    William Zwicker
  • Parameterized Complexity Results for the Kemeny Rule in Judgment Aggregation
    Ronald de Haan
  • Strong and Weak Acyclicity in Iterative Voting
    Reshef Meir
  • How Hard Is It to Control a Group?
    Yongjie Yang and Dinko Dimitrov

Thursday, 23 June 2016

 9:30-10:30  Invited Talk  
 10:30-11:00  Coffee Break
 11:00-12:00  Session 5: Automated reasoning and simulations
  • Proving the Incompatibility of Efficiency and Strategyproofness via SMT Solving
    Florian Brandl, Felix Brandt and Christian Geist
  • Automated Verification for Functional and Relational Properties of Voting Rules
    Bernhard Beckert, Thorsten Bormer, Michael Kirsten, Till Neuber and Mattias Ulbrich
  • Analyzing the Practical Relevance of Voting Paradoxes via Ehrhart Theory, Computer Simulations, and Empirical Data
    Felix Brandt, Christian Geist and Martin Strobel
 12:00-12:10  Short Break
 12:10-13:10  Session 6: Resource allocation 1
  • Optimal Reallocation under Additive and Ordinal Preferences
    Haris Aziz, Peter Biro, Jerome Lang, Julien Lesca and Jerome Monnot
  • Proportional Borda Allocations
    Andreas Darmann and Christian Klamler
  • On Truthful Mechanisms for Maximin Share Allocations
    Georgios Amanatidis, Georgios Birmpas and Evangelos Markakis
 13:10-14:30  Lunch
 14:30-15:30  Session 7: District voting and facility location
  • Misrepresentation in District Voting
    Yoram Bachrach, Omer Lev, Yoad Lewenberg and Yair Zick
  • Divide and Conquer: Using Geographic Manipulation to Win District-Based Elections
    Yoad Lewenberg and Omer Lev
  • On Voting and Facility Location
    Michal Feldman, Amos Fiat and Iddan Golomb
 15:30-16:00  Afternoon Snack
 16:00-17:00  Poster session
 17:00-18:00   Session 8: Applications: Peer grading, crowdsourcing, and power structures
  • How effective can simple ordinal peer grading be?
    Ioannis Caragiannis, George Krimpas and Alexandros Voudouris
  • Rules for Choosing Societal Tradeoffs
    Vincent Conitzer, Rupert Freeman, Markus Brill and Yuqian Li
  • Ordinal power relations and social rankings
    Stefano Moretti and Meltem Ozturk
 18:00-19:00   Business meeting
 20:30  Banquet at Moai  

Friday, 24 June 2016

 9:30-10:30  Invited Talk  
 10:30-11:00  Coffee Break
 11:00-12:00  Open poster session
 12:00-12:10  Short Break
 12:10-13:10  Session 9: Matching
  • Pareto optimal matchings of students to courses in the presence of prerequisites
    Katarina Cechlarova, Bettina Klaus and David Manlove
  • Pareto optimal matchings with lower quotas
    Katarina Cechlarova and Tamás Fleiner
  • Natural Interviewing Equilibria for Stable Matching
    Joanna Drummond, Allan Borodin and Kate Larson
 13:10-14:30  Lunch
 14:30-15:30  Session 10: Probabilistic approach
  • And the winner is ... Chevalier de Borda: Neural networks vote according to Borda's Rule
    Dávid Burka, Clemens Puppe, László Szepesváry and Attila Tasnadi
  • Bayesian Estimators As Voting Rules
    Lirong Xia
  • Truth-revealing voting rules for large populations
    Matias Nunez and Marcus Pivato
 15:30-16:00  Afternoon Snack
 16:00-17:00  Session 11: Resource allocation 2
  • Strategy-Proofness of Scoring Allocation Correspondences
    Nhan-Tam Nguyen, Dorothea Baumeister and Jorg Rothe
  • Efficiency and Sequenceability in Fair Division of Indivisible Goods with Additive Preferences
    Sylvain Bouveret and Michel Lemaître
  • Object allocation problems under constraints
    Laurent Gourves, Carlos Martinhon and Jerome Monnot
 17:00   Closing

Poster presentations