Fourth International Workshop on Computational Social Choice
Kraków, Poland, September 11–13, 2012

Paper Submission

Authors are invited to submit full papers not exceeding 12 pages in length (roughly 5000 words; including the references). A clearly marked appendix is allowed but the main body of the paper must be able to stand on its own and reading the appendix is entirely at the discretion of the program committee. Note that appendices will not be printed in the workshop proceedings. Therefore, we encourage keeping key technical proofs in the body of the paper.

Each paper should include a title, the names and contact details of all authors, and a short abstract of 100-300 words. When preparing your submission, please follow these formatting instructions. The easiest way of doing this is to use the Latex document preparation system with the class file comsoc2012.cls. The formatting instructions are based on a sample file (sample.tex), which you can use as a starting point for your own paper.

Paper submission is electronic. To submit, please prepare a PDF file of your paper, a short abstract in plain text, and a list of two to five keywords. Then follow this link:

Enter the COMSOC-2012 Paper Submission and Reviewing System!

You will be able to revise your submission any number of times before the deadline.

It is expected that the corresponding author (not necessarily the first author) will attend the workshop and deliver the talk. If unforeseen circumstances make this impossible, then another co-author of the paper may give the talk, under the condition that this co-author is not already giving another talk. If none of the co-authors can give the talk, then the paper must be withdrawn by 1st July 2012 the latest.

Please feel free to contact the organizers with any questions you may have.